Language has been one of the greatest developments of the humanity. What can be ever achieved without language which serves as the medium for communicating with each other? It is thus the hallmark of our civilization development. Over the years we humans have developed many refined approaches and instruments to achieve language proficiencies. Language labs are one such instrument which utilizes the emergent technologies to impart linguistic skills to the budding learners. It is basically an instrument to remove ambiguities and render perfection in one’s spoken abilities for any particular language.

Technology Assisted English Language Lab

Language labs have been a medieval innovation of the west. The basic aim was to introduce the learners with the basic sounds of the language concerned and thus lay concrete foundations for the beginner. The learner’s interface with the linguistic expert in a real time manner is the striking quality of such a laboratory. Learners learn in a pragmatic manner by making corrections in a practical way. English language lab has gained popularity on account of English emerging as the medium of communication at the global level. The technological sectors also have resonated equally to the demand through the development of appropriate software packages to run such labs.

Even the English speaking nations have accepted English language lab as an integral instrument of developing English proficiency. Is has been also accepted as necessary for the teacher’s training programs throughout the world. The idea behind is again to impart perfection to the communicating abilities of a prospective and incumbent teacher. Such a two-way interaction between the learner and the trainer facilitates the adoption of best global practices and is also significant for development of uniform language standards.

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